Apple to announce tools, platform to “digitally destroy” textbook publishing– by Chris Foresman


GarageBand for e-books

At the same time, however, authoring standards-compliant e-books (despite some promises to the contrary) is not as simple as running a Word document of a manuscript through a filter. The current state of software tools continues to frustrate authors and publishers alike, with several authors telling Ars that they wish Apple or some other vendor would make a simple app that makes the process as easy as creating a song in GarageBand.

Our sources say Apple will announce such a tool on Thursday.


Some thoughts/reflections from DSC:

  • If the educational publishing industry doesn’t want to help students out by greatly lowering their prices…
    (But don’t relax people in higher ed…most likely, we are next.)
  • Another example of “the dangers of the status quo.
  • We constantly need to be actively reinventing ourselves and our businesses so that we are staying relevant.
    (And at prices running up to and over $200,000 for 4 years of college — as of January 2012 —  the assertion that higher ed is not a business just doesn’t hold any water for me anymore.)


Addendum later on 1/17/12:


Why tablet publishing is poised to revolutionize higher education — from by Trevor Bailey

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

Richer than their print counterparts, digital textbooks include a number of interactive features. They are not limited to static pictures, but can integrate video, audio, animation, interactive simulations and even 360-degree rotations and panoramas. In addition, universities have the ability to create custom, institutionally branded viewers with unique displays and navigation options.

Digital publishing allows professors or subject matter experts to self-publish their own educational materials or research findings and distribute the information on tablet devices. Teachers can iterate content quickly, better keeping pace in a world where knowledge evolves every instant. On a smaller scale, they can post lesson documents online for students, versus relying on hard-copy materials.


From DSC:
…and we’ll see what Apple says about this topic later this month; 2012 should be an interesting year indeed. I would like to see more of our professors’ e-books/self-published materials up on the Chalkboard of the Future:


One part of the board could provide downloadable, discipline-specific templates




Teaching resources could be downloaded by faculty and by students -- compliements of the publishers


From Daniel Christian: The future chalkboard is connected to various other systems and devices -- wirelessly and via wired connections.




The Evolving Digital Ecosystem - from Moxie's Trends for 2012

  • The Always On Web
  • Web of Things
  • Big Data
  • Next Gen Search
  • Mobile Sharing
  • Mobile Social Activism
  • Impulse Commerce
  • Brands As Partners
  • The New Living Room  <– From DSC: This is one of those key areas that I’m trying to keep a pulse check on for re: our learning ecosystems of the future 
  • Personal Data Security


Also see:


Digital Publishing: Interlinking publishing’s future with jobs, books, social media, and English majors [11-2-11 presentation] — published with permission from Steven Chevalia [Steven is a senior at Calvin College and recently did an internship at Zondervan]

Agenda/topics covered:

  • What is Digital Media?
  • Legal Jargon (Sneak Peek)
  • e-Readers
  • Tablets vs. e-Readers
  • e-Reading Software
  • Books or Apps?
  • Publishing [publishers / self-publishing]

Addendums later on 11/9/11:

Apple University will train executives to think like Steve Jobs — from by Liz Dwyer


If you want to honor Steve Jobs’ life by following in his entrepreneurial footsteps, forget heading to business school. The Los Angeles Times reports that an Apple team has been working on a top-secret project to create an executive training program called Apple University. The goal? To train people to think like Steve Jobs.

Apple refused to comment on the existence of Apple University, but the Times says that in 2008, Jobs “personally recruited” Joel Podolny, the dean of Yale Business School, to “help Apple internalize the thoughts of its visionary founder to prepare for the day when he’s not around anymore.” Apple analyst Tim Bajarin told the Times that, “it became pretty clear that Apple needed a set of educational materials so that Apple employees could learn to think and make decisions as if they were Steve Jobs.” Though the curriculum is still under wraps, Jobs himself oversaw the creation of the “university-caliber courses.” (emphasis DSC)

 Also see:


Steve Jobs&#8217; virtual DNA to be fostered in Apple University:  To survive its late founder, Apple and Steve Jobs planned a training program in which company executives will be taught to think like him, in &#8220;a forum to impart that DNA to future generations.&#8221; Key to this effort is Joel Podolny, former Yale Business School dean.
Photo: Steve Jobs helped plan Apple University &#8212; an executive training program to help Apple carry on without him. Credit: Michael Robinson Chavez / Los Angeles Times

Steve Jobs helped plan Apple University — an executive training program to help
Apple carry on without him. (Michael Robinson Chavez / Los Angeles Times / October 6, 2011)

From DSC:
If Apple were to choose to disrupt higher education, several other pieces of the puzzle have already been built and/or continue to be enhanced:

  • Siri — a serious start towards the use of intelligent agents / intelligent tutoring
  • An infrastructure to support 24x7x365 access and synchronization of content/assignments/files to a student’s various devices — via iCloud (available today via iTunes 10.5)
  • iTunes U already has millions of downloads and contains content from some of the world’s top universities
  • The internal expertise and teams to create incredibly-rich, interactive, multimedia-based, personalized, customized educational content
  • Students — like employees in the workplace — are looking for information/training/learning on demand — when they need it and on whatever device they need it
  • Apple — or other 3rd parties — could assist publishers in creating cloud-based apps (formerly called textbooks) to download to students’/professors’ devices as well as to the Chalkboards of the Future
  • The iPad continues to be implemented in a variety of education settings, allowing for some seriously interactive, mobile-based learning





At the least, I might be losing a bit more sleep if I were heading up an MBA program or a business school…


Adobe intros iPad app creator for InDesign — from The Journal by Kanoe Namahoe


Adobe is looking to Single Edition to be an affordable way for freelance designers and organizations of any size to expand their digital publishing efforts, said Todd Teresi, vice president and general manager of Media Solutions at Adobe, in a prepared statement. ” Adding Single Edition to the Digital Publishing Suite family shows Adobe’s commitment to making digital publishing available to businesses of all sizes–from freelance designers to small design firms to large global publishers.”

Indiana U. helps shape economic terms of eText transition — from by Tanya Roscorla


As course material shifts from print to digital, Indiana University advocates on behalf of students for lower prices, more choices and common software platforms.

Based on feedback from students and faculty, Courseload rewrote the platform in HTML5 this summer.

When the university asked students why they liked e-textbooks better, 69 percent cited instructor annotations, followed closely by sustainability, cost, weight of books and student annotations.


Presentations from the Digital Book 2011 Conference — from with a special thanks going out to Mr. Steven Chevalia — who had pointed me to a great presentation by Liisa McCloy-Kelley:

Learning to Juggle and Picking the Right Balls
(AKA adapting organizations for the future of digital publishing)

Liisa McCloy-Kelley

Liisa McCloy-Kelley
VP, Director of eBook Production Strategy & Operations, Random House, Inc

Liisa McCloy-Kelley is VP, Director of eBook Production Strategy & Operations at Random House, Inc. where she has been an eyewitness to an evolution in the way that books are produced, marketed and sold for more than 20 years. She currently leads the team responsible for eBook development and production and keeps Random House on a focused strategic path for digital product development. She has spoken at a variety of conferences and has taught at Wellesley, NYU and Yale. As a digital book evangelist, she has given up reading in print form to become an expert in the variety of digital reading systems and the ways they can present content.

Example slide:

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