The current funding crisis will transform Britain's universities by 2020.

Quotes below — with emphasis from DSC

Already more than one in three students studies part-time and one in six is from overseas.

There will be more mature students, more studying part-time, more living in their own or their parents’ homes, and many more studying online.”

There will be more tailor-made vocational courses, operated in partnership with individual companies and employers.

There will be more “pick-and-mix” degrees, with students accumulating course credits at different universities, even across different countries, and with gaps for employment in between.

Students will increasingly become “consumers” as we reach the tipping-point where their contribution to the cost of the degree is greater than that made by the government.

Private providers will take over an increasing share of the university market.

The all-round university will increasingly lose out to more specialised institutions.

Finally, universities will become more global.

Blueprints and Broadband — from by Anne Wujcik —Friday, March 19, 2010

…the Obama Administration released its blueprint to overhaul the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), to mixed reviews. “A Blueprint for Reform” sets out the administration’s K-12 priorities and provides a bit more detail about how the various programs will operate.

The plan sets out six long term goals for the next decade, including calling for every American community to have affordable access to at least 1 gigabit per second broadband service to anchor institutions such as schools, hospitals and government buildings and at least 100 million U.S. homes to have affordable access to actual download speeds of at least 100 megabits per second and actual upload speeds of at least 50 megabits per second (emphasis DSC).

On first read, there doesn’t seem to be anything really unexpected in the administration’s blueprint for the reauthorization of ESEA. Talking to Congress, Secretary Duncan emphasized that the blueprint supports the administration’s three major goals for reauthorization…

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Wimba Connect 2010

Wimba Connect 2010 — check out the applications of these tools

Carol Vallone, CEO, Wimba

Teaching Math & Sciences
with Wimba (Panel)Andrew Byrne & Kurt Mederer, Convent of the Sacred Heart; David Tao, Santosh Madhavan & Dan Lim, Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences; Michele Barbeau & Kem Rogers, The University of Western Ontario

Using Wimba to Engage and Empower an Academic Community of Learners: The Case of the Global Citizen
Linda Ralston & Rebekah Grow, University of Utah

Faculty Development Wimba Style
Janet Welch & Stacey Mateika, Red Deer College

Using Wimba Voice, Pronto, and Create in Synchronously in Wimba Classroom and Asynchronously in an Online Environment
Brooke Eberwine, Steven Frecka & Jamie Westyn, OHDELA

Small Scale Implementation of Wimba Classroom – The Possibilities Are Endless
Regina Bobak & Julie Wolfe, Bloomsburg University of PA

Language Learning with Wimba (Panel)
Teresa MacKinnon, University of Warwick Language Centre; Ana Garcia Allen, The University of Western Ontario; Barbara Cohen, Berkeley College

Wikis, Wimbas, Whatevers! What Teachers Weave!
Jane Overmoe, Dakota Prairie HS

Taking the Troy Colloquium Online + Wimba: The Solution to Quality Online Learning
Gayle Nelson & Peter Paige, Troy University

Wimba Product Presentation
Annie Chechitelli, Wimba

Presentations Live or On-the-Go with Wimba Classroom MP4 Archives
Jason Rhode, Northern Illinois University & Larry Holland, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

NCVPS Cultural Cafe
Thomas Moncrief, North Carolina Virtual Public School

Our Journey: From Face 2 Face 2 Online Masters Degree
Gary Shouppe & Tom McCormack, Columbus State University

So Many Choices, So Little Time: Effective Voice Tools Training
Stacey Powell & Kathy McClelland, Auburn University

Features, Technical Problems and Technical Support in Higher Education Wimba Classrooms
Mary Nell McNeese, Amy Thornton & Jalynn Roberts, University of Southern Mississippi

ALAKAZAM!!! Instantly Transform your Physical Classrooms into Lecture Capture Spaces Using Wimba!
Scott Smith & Brian Reed, Wimba; Mark Burris, Michael Merritt & Linda Stauffer, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Using Wimba to Prepare for H1N1 and other Potential Disasters (Panel)
Phil O’Hara & Tim Fedak, Dalhousie University; David Tao & Dan Lim, Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences

Diminishing the Distance in Distance Ed – Wimba’s Live Tools: People Reaching People
Crystal Havely Stratton & Patricia Landy, Laramie County Community College

“Keep It Live” – What the Students Say!
Mike Scheuermann, Drexel University

Wimba Pronto 4 All: Pronto Invitations and Universal Integration
Marlen Rattiner & Chris Dixon, Wimba

Online Learning is all about Collaboration!
Mark Gensimore, Jed Friedrichsen &

Bringing In Local and Global Guest Speakers through Wimba Classroom
Chunyan Song , Ann Steckel & Laura Sederberg, California State University, Chico

Envelop, Develop: Building a Statewide and College-Level Professional Development System with Wimba and your LMS
Terry Pollard & Christian Pruett, Mississippi SBCJC; Rebecca Butler, Northwest Mississippi Community College; Jennifer Nowotny, Wimba

Where Did My Wimba Go and Do Users Know It’s Missing?
Michael Rogers & Jim Wolfgang, University System of Georgia; Sean Hessenthaler, Wimba

The Professor is In: Lessons Learned in Delivery of Online Student Support
Michelle Escudier & Sharon Davis, Central Texas College

Pet Kangaroos and Other Tall Tails – Live and MP4 Examples, Best Practices and Case Studies on Using Wimba Down Under
Steve Watt & Thalia Cosmidis, NetSpot Pty Ltd

Reaching Over Wall: Linking Kindred Spirits via Live Web Conferencing
Phil O’Hara & Corinne Tobin, Dalhousie Unversity; Paul Lowe, University of the Arts London

Collaborating With Students – A Glimpse of the Future With Blackboard
Brian DeKemper, Solutions Engineer, Blackboard

The Blended Language Learning Consortium (presented remotely)
Paul Snookes & Judy Barker, University of Worcester

Bringing Wimba out of the Web and into the Classroom
Bryan Vandiviere, Kansas State University

Wimba Classroom Beyond Classes
Cory Stokes, Univeristy of Utah & Edwin Perez, Wimba

The Power of Wimba 6.0 Archives: Developing and Editing the Archive Library
Jun Yang, University of Maryland

From the Lands Down Under – Wimba Firing Up Staff and Students in Australia and New Zealand
Lisa Ransom & Oriel Kelly, Manukau Institute of Technology; Kerry Trabinger, Canberra Institute of Technology

A Triple Threat to Student Attrition: Three Disciplines, Three Perspectives, and Three Uses of Wimba Classroom to Improve Student Retention
Monica Brooks, Tracy Christofero, Karen Mitchell, & Marty Laubach, Marshall University

High Impact Pedagogy: Bringing Online and Blended Courses to ‘Life’ through Learning Simulation and Wimba
Kristen Betts, Drexel University

Video, Vodcasts, and YouTube – Oh My!
Sarah Bryans Bongey & Chery Takkunen, The College of St. Scholastica

Online Education and the Power of Web 2.0 for Student Retention
Felice Nudelman, The New York Times / Epsilen

The Ways Wimba Classroom Can Revolutionize the Offering of Online Degree Programs
Daniel Powell, University of Alabama School of Law

Using Breakout Rooms to Foster Faculty Development
Ann Morgan, Kelly Kist & Heather Zink, Rasmussen College

Computer Science “eXperience:” Using Wimba Tools to Enhance Computer Science Education
Adel Abunawass, Alexandra Young & Edwin Rudolph, University of West Georgia

The Virtual Student Experience: Addressing Emotional & Multiple Intelligences & Soliciting Student Feedback
Dawn Muhammad, Calumet College of St. Joseph & H. Jean Bryan, Ed.D., DePaul University

Jeff Noel, The Disney Institute

Poster Presentations

  • Online Office Hours: How I Get Them To Attend
    Lyndasu Crowe, Darton College
  • Enhancing Student/Instructor Interaction in the Online Environment through Podcasting
    Heather Zink, Rasmussen College
  • Mastering the Point: Using Wimba Live Classroom with Effective PowerPoint Presentations to Enhance Online Learning
    Sue Burris, National Park Community College
  • Unleashing Wimba: Letting Students Take Control. A case study in providing webinar technology for students to facilitate group work.
    Laurie Grosik, Indiana University of Pennsylvania & Cori Dunagan, Edinboro University
  • Building Tech Capacity in a Non-Profit Collaborative Using Wimba Classroom
    Bruce Roxburgh, Green Communities Canada

From ICT integration to systemic transformation — from elearnspace by George Siemens

“I’m in Madrid, delivering a presentation on moving from ICT integration to systemic transformation. Spain currently has the EU Presidency and they’ve made education a core focus. Slides are available on slideshare.”





George Siemens - Presentation: Madrid UE Presidency


Graphics below from DSC: The graphic above shows the dramatic increase in the pace of technological adoption/change. The graphics below point to that same pace of change…can you hear the engines on the track? Can you hear the pounding waves hitting the shoreline?


The  pace has changed significantly and quickly



From Daniel S. Christian


Colleges embrace MP4 technology for delivering instruction — from by Dennis Carter

University Alliance promotes live chats, streaming lecture video, and message boards through students’ mobile devices

Four universities are giving students the chance to complete certificate and degree programs by downloading class material to mobile devices like iPhones and iPods in a distance-learning initiative that one day could be commonplace in higher education. The University Alliance, one of the country’s largest online education facilitators, announced earlier this month that students enrolled in web-based courses at Villanova University, the University of San Francisco, Tulane University, and the University of Notre Dame will be able to watch course lectures in MP4 video format on their mobile devices.

Cisco unveils ultra-fast Internet technology — from

NEW YORK  — Cisco unveiled a new Internet technology Tuesday that it says will provide the ultra-fast data speeds necessary to stay ahead of users’ rapidly growing online video demands.

The new technology, known as “CRS-3,” is a network routing system that will be able to offer downloads of up to 322 Terabits per second, according to the company.

Translation: Well in Cisco terms, the router will be able to provide download speeds of 1 Gigabit per second for everyone in San Francisco, download the entire printed collection of the Library of Congress in 1 second and stream every movie ever created in less than 4 minutes.

Cisco Chief Executive John Chambers acknowledged that many skeptics will say that those speeds and network capacity are not necessary, but he argued that the fast-growing media usage on mobile phones will ultimately demand it.

Also see:
Cisco’s vision of the future

ENABLING WORLDWIDE LEARNING – THE “MULTI-VERSITY” — from Changing the Education Equation (part 3) – My Reflections on the 2010 HP Innovation in Education Worldwide Summit

This hybrid and distributed approach we used in our summit has wonderful (and challenging!) implications for how we think about “the learning institution” (universities, colleges, school systems), and there are many institutions already seeing the “disruption” at the end of the tunnel.

Ray Schroeder, one of our presenters on the panel, “Learning without Limits…” sent me a post-summit email in which he shared one example of the changing education institution, which he calls the “Multi-versity”:

“…following on Michael Horn’s predictions that community colleges and online universities are the delivery platforms in higher education today and tomorrow, [I believe] that the “day-after-tomorrow” will be the advent of the multi-versity. That is, colleges and universities collaborating in offering a vast range of interconnected classes from which students will select to fulfill degree requirements that allow for nearly unlimited emphases and specializations. The motivation for these multi-versity collaborations will be both push and pull – the economy is pushing higher education to become more efficient through sharing resources and the students are pulling universities to be more responsive to their individual needs for access to a wide range of classes.  This, I believe is the true potential of [Google] Wave as a Web 2.0 platform, to enable and facilitate inter-institutional class collaborations that provide a diversity of perspectives and a rich breadth of information sharing.” (emphasis DSC)

From DSC:
I don’t mention this to support or plug Google Wave. Rather, I mention it because the idea of a multi-versity is a model that could easily happen (and, in fact, is already occurring to some degree).

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie – March 5, 2010.
#609 – Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
54,891 Readers – – The MASIE Center.
Host: Virtual Leadership LAB & Seminar – Saratoga Springs

Google predicts demise of the desktop: John Herlihy, Google’s VP of Global Ad Operations, has claimed that desktop PCs would become “irrelevant” in three years down the line. Addressing the Digital Landscapes Conference in Dublin, Herlihy predicted a bleak future for desktop PCs, as smartphones, netbooks, along with other gadgets are evidently gaining grounds over them. In his keynote speech, Herlihy said: “In three years time, desktops will be irrelevant. In Japan, most research is done today on smart phones, not PCs”.  This echoes Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s comments Global sales of smartphones and other high-end handheld devices have been soaring at a rapid pace and would very soon surpass sales of traditional PCs.” This has huge implications for the learning field – as we look towards supporting learning through a new and broader range of mobile based resources. Learning designers will need to refocus their design sensibilities towards a smaller footprint and very different type of learning application (emphasis DSC).

Moderning classrooms

From DSC:
For those of us in higher education, what occurs in K-12 affects us, as it affects our incoming students’ expectations. We need to prepare now for our students of tomorrow! And congratulations to those of you in K-12 who are working hard to keep your students engaged, growing, challenged, participating, and learning!

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three pressing challenges — 2/26/10 posting from D’Arcy Norman dot net

Three pressing challenges for learners in creating and using technology in an educational context.

1. control and ownership

2. overwhelming options

3. literacy

4. Solution?
The only solution I can think of is to just dive in. To live with a whole bunch of technologies. To not see them as separate, distinct, or extra, but rather as just the way things work. Write a blog. Publish a newsletter. Manage a wiki. Shoot some video. Post photos. Just spend time doing it. Manage your own personal cyberinfrastructure. Build your personal learning environment. Engage your personal learning network(s). They are there already, you just need to tap into them (emphasis DSC as this describes a Learning Ecosystem).

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Paid digital content — from Bonnier by Paulina Modlitb

Guess what? Paid content isn’t about the content, after all.

Last Thursday, Bonnier R&D invited a couple of guest speakers, e.g. Forrester Analyst Nick Thomas, Sapient AD Cassian Opara, SSE researcher Henrik Sjödin, and a large number of colleagues to discuss and exchange experiences regarding the popular topic of “consumers’ willingness to pay for digital content”. The event was internal, so the exact conclusions can’t be revealed. However, the following four public sources were referred to during the seminar and are highly recommended:

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