10 Free AI Tools for Graphic Designing — from medium.com by Qz Ruslan

With the advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), designers now have access to a wide array of free AI-powered tools that streamline their creative process, enhance productivity, and add a touch of uniqueness to their designs. In this article, we will explore ten such free AI tools websites for graphic designing that have revolutionized the way designers approach their craft.

Generative Art in Motion — from heatherbcooper.substack.com by Heather Cooper
Animation and video tools create an explosion of creative expression

World’s first AI cinema opening in Auckland to make all your Matrix fantasies come true — from stuff.co.nz by Jonny Mahon-Heap
Review: My HyperCinema experience was futuristic, sleek – and slightly insane as I became the star of my own show.

AI That Alters Voice and Imagery in Political Ads Will Require Disclosure on Google and YouTube — from usnews.com by Associated Press
Political ads using artificial intelligence on Google and YouTube must soon be accompanied by a prominent disclosure if imagery or sounds have been synthetically altered

Google will soon require that political ads using artificial intelligence be accompanied by a prominent disclosure if imagery or sounds have been synthetically altered.

AI-generated election ads on YouTube and other Google platforms that alter people or events must include a clear disclaimer located somewhere that users are likely to notice, the company said in an update this week to its political content policy.


Learn Letter 96: How to make encoding work for you, Three websites to learn something new — from evakeiffenheim.substack.com by Eva Keffenheim

Learning Nuggets:  Three websites to learn something new

  1. Curious claims to increase your “CQ” (curiosity quotient) – it’s a website where you can learn something new every day by dedicating a small amount of time to it: 5, 15, or 30 minutes daily. Whether there is a thing as CQ or not – the site offers plenty of great resources to explore new areas. The drawback is that you need to subscribe for a 7-day free trial to start exploring.
  2. Drawspace is one of the most popular sites for learning how to draw. You choose an image and get a step-by-step guide on creating your drawing.
  3. ?Teoria is a donation-based site that helps you study music theory through articles, references, and interactive exercises. You can do, for example, interval ear training or learn to read music and scales.

Some incredible creativity!!!

Against the Ream: An Expansive Exhibition Invites Thirteen Artists to Explore the Vast ‘Possibilities of Paper’ — Colossal — from thisiscolossal.com by Kate Mothes & various artists

Jaq Belcher, “All in Good Time” (2023), hand-cut paper, dimensions variable. Courtesy of Jayne H. Baum/JHB Gallery

The Master’s Pupil is a hand-painted video game informed by Monet’s artworks — from dezeen.com by Amy Peacock and Pat Naoum

Game developer Pat Naoum has launched a video game with backgrounds, creatures and scenery entirely painted by hand, which took seven years to complete.

Available on Nintendo Switch and Steam for Windows and Mac, The Master’s Pupil is a 12-level puzzle-adventure game that explores a painterly world through the eyes of French artist Claude Monet.

The Master’s Pupil is the first game Naoum developed and took him seven years to complete.



Mystery Abounds in Lee Madgwick’s Uncanny Paintings of Derelict Buildings — from thisiscolossal.com Grace Ebert and Lee Madgwick

The Veil -- by Lee Madgwick

Also for another creative/fun item, see:

Photos of Everyday Activities Reveal the Humor of Perspective and Serendipitous Alignments — from thisiscolossal.com by Grace Ebert and Anthimos Ntagkas


Recording Arts as Reengagement, Social Justice and Pathway — from gettingsmart.com

Key Points

  • After a successful career as a recording artist, David “TC” Ellis created Studio 4 in St. Paul to spot budding music stars.
  • It became a hangout spot for creative young people, most of whom had “dropped out of school due to boredom and a sense that school wasn’t relevant to their lives and dreams.”
  • Ellis and colleagues then opened the High School for Recording Arts in 1998.

Young people learning how to perform and record music at the High School for Recording Arts


Peanuts Sing Roundabout — from theawesomer.com; I hadn’t seen this yet…so for those of my generation, you might like this as well! 🙂


How Schools Can Use Cultural Performing Arts to Reimagine Community-Engaged Learning — from edsurge.com by Christopher Sandoval


My experience has taught me that if students do not believe their school is invested in activities and programs that reflect their community and culture, they will not feel a sense of belonging in the classroom, which will negatively impact student engagement and their ability to understand and appreciate cultural differences among one another.

Unfortunately, not every school believes the performing arts are worth the investment; if anything, the trend of school funding in the performing arts has been in sharp decline for some time. While student engagement continues to be a significant issue for classrooms across the country, I believe the performing arts can be an opportunity for schools to reimagine community engagement in schools and get students back on track.


An Accessible Treetop Walkway Gracefully Winds Through Norway’s Hamaren Activity Park — from thisiscolossal.com

An Accessible Treetop Walkway Gracefully Winds Through Norway’s Hamaren Activity Park Photos by Rasmus Hjortshøj, © EFFEKT

School of Visual Arts presents 10 senior thesis interior design projects — from dezeen.com

Resilience by Raymond Xie

An instrument for a city: An audio project filling one of London’s busiest roads with serene sounds — from inavateonthenet.net where Paul Milligan speaks to Nick Ryan, the artist responsible for VoiceLine.

An instrument for a city: An audio project filling one of London’s busiest roads with serene sounds

Why shouldn’t we have a piece of audio infrastructure as we do with lighting (lampposts) or seating, and use it to enable us to change the sound of a place, not once every 300 years but every second? We could transform the street using the sound of a rainforest into the sound of a river into the sound of voices.

From DSC:
A very interesting idea here. I can’t help but think there are applications of this type of thing within some of our learning spaces out there.

Mantra’s Immense Butterfly Murals Flutter Across Buildings and Walls — from thisiscolossal.com by Jackie Andres and Mantra

Enormous beautiful blue butterfly adorns a building in Jackson, Michigan (USA) -- artwork/mural done by Mantra All images © Mantra

Web Design Inspiration (Examples) – Good Tools #7 — from goodtools.substack.com by Robin Good
70+ free inspirational collections showcasing over 55,000 best web design examples

A Veritable Aviary of Birds and Pollinators by The Paper Ark Are Small Enough to Perch on the Tip of a Finger  — from thisiscolossal.com by Brace Ebert and Nayan Shrimali and Venus Bird

A Veritable Aviary of Birds and Pollinators by The Paper Ark Are Small Enough to Perch on the Tip of a Finger

Why L&D should be at the forefront of the AI revolution — from managementtoday.co.uk by Bill Borrows
AI means that 50% of all employees will need reskilling or upskilling by 2025, according to the World Economic Forum.

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

Ernst and Young dug a little deeper. “Today’s disruptive working landscape requires organisations to largely restructure the way they are doing work,” they noted in a bulletin in March this year. “Time now spent on tasks will be equally divided between people and machines. For these reasons, workforce roles will change and so do the skills needed to perform them.”

The World Economic Forum has pointed to this global skills gap and estimates that, while 85 million jobs will be displaced, 50% of all employees will need reskilling and/or upskilling by 2025. This, it almost goes without saying, will require Learning and Development departments to do the heavy-lifting in this initial transformational phase but also in an on-going capacity.

“And that’s the big problem,” says Hardman. “2025 is only two and half years away and the three pillars of L&D – knowledge transference, knowledge reinforcement and knowledge assessment – are crumbling. They have been unchanged for decades and are now, faced by revolutionary change, no longer fit for purpose.”

ChatGPT is the shakeup education needs — from eschoolnews.com by Joshua Sine
As technology evolves, industries must evolve alongside it, and education is no exception–especially when students heavily and regularly rely on edtech

Key points:

  • Education must evolve along with technology–students will expect it
  • Embracing new technologies helps education leverage adaptive technology that engage student interest
  • See related article: AI tools are set to impact tutoring in a big way

Welcome to the new surreal. How AI-generated video is changing film. — from technologyreview.com by Will Douglas Heaven
Exclusive: Watch the world premiere of the AI-generated short film The Frost.


The Future Of Education – Disruption Caused By AI And ChatGPT: Artificial Intelligence Series 3 Of 5 — from forbes.com by Nicole Serena Silver
Here are some ways AI can be introduced at various age levels


Some sharp creativity!


Adobe supercharges Photoshop with Firefly Generative AI — from blog.adobe.com by Pam Clark


Starting today, Photoshop subscribers can tap into the magic of Firefly, our family of creative generative AI models, directly in the Photoshop desktop (beta) app – using their own, natural language to prompt Photoshop to create extraordinary images with Generative Fill. These prompts can be used to add content, remove or replace parts of an image and extend the edges of an image. Generative Fill is infused into every selection feature in Photoshop, and we have created a new generative layer type so you can work non-destructively. In addition, Generative Fill is also available as a module within the Firefly beta.

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