Behind the immersiveness trend: Why now? — from by Frank Rose with a thanks to Digital Rocking Chair for the Scoop on this

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

 When JWT Intelligence announced its “10 Trends for 2014 and Beyond” recently, trend #1 was “immersive experiences.” Certainly you can feel this in New York: From Punchdrunk’s Sleep No More (now running for nearly three years) to MoMA’s Rain Room to Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirrored Room, people are willing to pay top dollar or line up for hours to experience something all-encompassing and beyond the ordinary. But why?

The new report—based on a survey of Internet users in the US and the UK, on as­sessments from JWT planners around the world, and on in­terviews with outside observers (myself includ­ed)—lists six key reasons. Interestingly, only two have anything to do with advances in technology or production techniques. The re­maining four stem from broad societal shifts—shifts that are tied to, but in many cases a re­action against, the always-on nature of the digital world.


From DSC:
Notice one of the first slides.


It mentions the word attention. I submit to you that these types of immersive experiences will impact how easy it is or hard it is to get our students’ attentions.  If we can’t get our students’ attentions, we have zero (0) chance of getting the information into their short term and/or long term memories. 

This is why I’d like to see more transmedia-based storytelling and digital storytelling occurring within K-20.  We should have students create the experiences using content taken directly from the course’s learning objectives. Such as course could be multidisciplinary in nature, helping students find roles that they enjoy doing while learning the content.

However, on the other side of things…I need to post another slide (below) as well.  Some students might not like this type of learning experience at all.  Thus, we need to offer more choice, more control to our students…letting them pick the assignments/pathways to their learning that work best for them.






Transit 2013 — from by Anna Jackson and Fiona Milburn


For their last Transit post of the year, Transmedia NZ’s Anna Jackson and Fiona Milburn asked six influential and inspiring people to look ahead to 2014 and share their thoughts on the future of transmedia storytelling in New Zealand.


I think that 2014 is going to be a banner year for transmedia storytelling, and that New Zealand is going to be a key participant in creating it and proliferating it.  We know that Weta Workshop and Weta Digital are hosting the production of the new Avatar films in NZ.  Weta has a distinctly transmedia approach, which they have been refining in recent years.  Weta is proving that, when carefully planned, the production of transmedia content can be integrated into the filmmaking process, which in turn saves time and money.

On the education front, we understand that various colleges and universities in New Zealand are more closely investigating transmedia practice.  Starlight Runner is exploring how we can directly help the Unitec Institute of Technology in Auckland to integrate practical transmedia studies into its curriculum, which is very exciting.

— Jeff Gomez, President and CEO
Starlight Runner Entertainment


From DSC:
First some recent/relevant postings:

IFTTT’s ingenious new feature: Controlling apps with your location
— from by Kyle VanHemert


An update to the IFTTT app lets you use your location in recipes. Image: IFTTT



IFTTT stands athwart history. At a point where the software world is obsessed with finding ever more specialized apps for increasingly specific problems, the San Francisco-based company is gleefully doing just the opposite. It simply wants to give people a bunch of tools and let them figure it out. It all happens with simple conditional statements the company calls “recipes.” So, you can use the service to execute the following command: If I take a screenshot, then upload it to Dropbox. If this RSS feed is updated, then send me a text message. It’s great for kluging together quick, automated solutions for the little workflows that slip into the cracks between apps and services.


If This, Then That (IFTTT)



4 reasons why Apple’s iBeacon is about to disrupt interaction design — from by Kyle VanHemert


You step inside Walmart and your shopping list is transformed into a personalized map, showing you the deals that’ll appeal to you most. You pause in front of a concert poster on the street, pull out your phone, and you’re greeted with an option to buy tickets with a single tap. You go to your local watering hole, have a round of drinks, and just leave, having paid—and tipped!—with Uber-like ease. Welcome to the world of iBeacon.

It sounds absurd, but it’s true: Here we are in 2013, and one of the most exciting things going on in consumer technology is Bluetooth. Indeed, times have changed. This isn’t the maddening, battery-leeching, why-won’t-it-stay-paired protocol of yore. Today we have Bluetooth Low Energy which solves many of the technology’s perennial problems with new protocols for ambient, continuous, low-power connectivity. It’s quickly becoming big deal.


The Internet of iThings: Apple’s iBeacon is already in almost 200 million iPhones and iPads — from by Anthony Kosner

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

Because of iBeacons’ limited range, they are well-suited for transmitting content that is relevant in the immediate proximity.




From DSC:
Along the lines of the above postings…I recently had a meeting whereby the topic of iBeacons came up. It was mentioned that museums will be using this sort of thing; i.e. approaching a piece of art will initiate an explanation of that piece on the museum’s self-guided tour application. 

That idea made me wonder whether such technology could be used in a classroom…and I quickly thought, “Yes!” 

For example, if a student goes to the SW corner of the room, they approach a table. That table has an iBeacon like device on it, which triggers a presentation within a mobile application on the student’s device.  The students reviews the presentation and moves onto the SE corner of the room whereby they approach a different table with another/different iBeacon on it.  That beacon triggers a quiz on the material they just reviewed, and then proceeds to build upon that information.  Etc. Etc.   Physically-based scaffolding along with some serious blended/hybrid learning. It’s like taking the concept of QR codes to the next level. 

Some iBeacon vendors out there include:

Data mining, interaction design, user interface design, and user experience design may never be the same again.


Learning from the Living (Class) Room [Grush & Christian]



Learning in ‘the Living [Class] Room’
From by Mary Grush and Daniel Christian
Convergent technologies have the ability to support streams of low-cost, personalized content, both at home and in college.


A proposal for Apple, Google, IBM, Microsoft, and any other company who wants to own the future living room [Christian]





“The main obstacle to an Apple television set has been content. It has mostly failed to convince cable companies to make their programming available through an Apple device. And cable companies have sought to prevent individual networks from signing distribution deals with Apple.”

Apple, closer to its vision for a TV set, wants
ESPN, HBO, Viacom, and others to come along by Seward, Chon, & Delaney, 8/22/13


From DSC:
I wonder if this is because of the type of content that Apple is asking for. Instead of entertainment-oriented content, what if the content were more focused on engaging, interactive, learning materials? More on educational streams of content (whether we — as individuals — create and contribute that content or whether businesses do)?

Also see:


internet of things


Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

The communications landscape has historically taken the form of a tumultuous ocean of opportunities. Like rolling waves on a shore, these opportunities are often strong and powerful – yet ebb and flow with time.

Get ready, because the next great wave is upon us. And, like a tropical storm, it is likely to change the landscape around us.

As detailed by analyst Chetan Sharma, this particular wave is the one created by the popularity of over-the-top (OTT) solutions – apps that allow access to entertainment, communication and collaboration over the Internet from smartphones, tablets and laptops, rather than traditional telecommunications methods. Sharma has coined this the mobile “fourth wave” – the first three being voice, messaging (SMS) and data access, respectively – and it is rapidly washing over us.


Addendum on 11/25:







State of Play: The Multiplatform Transmedia Industry — from by Gary Hayes; with thanks to the Scoop on this by The Digital Rocking Chair
The State of Play of the Multiplatform / Transmedia Industry across 10 scales of measurement


Also see:


Jeff Gomez Masterclass: Creating Blockbuster Transmedia Story Worlds & Brands — from


Who Should Attend?

Producers, writers, directors, commissioners, distributors, investors, policy makers from the film, television and online industries

Web developers and designers, app and mobile developers, games developers and designers, multiplatform producers, digital media strategists

Advertising, marketing and PR professionals and creatives, public relations professionals, social media strategists, branded content producers

Publishers, authors, editors, agents, Commissioners


From DSC:
Wondering a few things here:

1)  Why aren’t there similar events aimed at educators, professors, teachers, and trainers? At instructional designers and instructional technologists?

2)  Are we preparing our students for these types of opportunities?

3) That same web page also reads:

It is a philosophy of communication and brand extension that creates intense audience loyalty and long-term engagement, enriches the value of creative content, and generates multiple revenue streams.

Hmmm…couldn’t this also apply to higher education/K-12 education/training as well? 



“Learning in the Living [Class] Room” — as explained by Daniel Christian [Campus Technology]

Learning from the Living [Class] Room  — from Campus Technology by Daniel Christian and Mary Grush; with a huge thanks also going out to Mr. Steven Niedzielski (@Marketing4pt0) and to Mr. Sam Beckett (@SamJohnBeck) for their assistance and some of the graphics used in making these videos.

From DSC:
These 4 short videos explain what I’m trying to relay with a vision I’m entitling, Learning from the Living [Class] Room.  I’ve been pulse checking a variety of areas for years now, and the pieces of this vision continue to come into fruition.  This is what I see Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) morphing into (though there may be other directions/offshoots that they go in as well).

After watching these videos, I think you will see why I think we must move to a teambased approach.

(It looks like the production folks for Campus Technology had to scale things way back in terms of video quality to insure an overall better performance for the digitally-based magazine.) 

To watch these videos in a higher resolution, please use these links:

  1. What do you mean by “the living [class] room”?
  2. Why consider this now?
  3. What are some examples of apps and tech for “the living [class] room”?
  4. What skill sets will be needed to make “the living [class] room” a reality?



Alternatively, these videos can be found at:






The science behind transmedia storytelling & why you need to be across it now — infographic from

Excerpt/description of infographic:

Transmedia storytelling is a marketing buzzword that will be around for a while – and for good reason. Brand storytellers are being forced to create new transmedia experiences by integrating dynamic content, often co-created through audience participation.

Getty Images has released a new infographic explaining the effective transmedia storytelling can offer the consumer if done correctly.

The infographic details how a transmedia story can lead to stronger emotional connections to brands and the ability for businesses to engage with new or jaded audiences to send brand loyalty soaring via this new media experience.

For this reason, Getty’s infographic explains why becoming effective storytellers in the transmedia marketplace is something that should be top of mind for marketers, advertisers and business decision makers.


From DSC:
After reviewing the infographic, I wondered…how might some of this relate to education? Engaging students? Fostering creativity in a variety of areas/disciplines?






Many of us go about our lives constantly surrounded by screens, immersed in various “stories”: movies, TV shows, books, plot-driven video games, news articles, advertising, and more. Whether we realize it or not, we’re creating new behaviors, routines, mindsets, and expectations around what we watch, read or play—which in turn presents new challenges and opportunities for creators and marketers.

In other words, while the fundamentals of good storytelling remain the same, technology is changing how stories can be told. But what does that mean exactly?


True personalization is the next big thing in multiscreen TV [Moulding]

True personalization is the next big thing in multiscreen TV — from by John Moulding




From DSC:
Not a far stretch to see some applications of this in the future aimed at learning objects/learning agents/and personalized streams of content.



The Living [Class] Room -- by Daniel Christian -- July 2012 -- a second device used in conjunction with a Smart/Connected TV



(With thanks going out to Mr. Richard Byrne over at the Free Technology for Teachers blog for this item





Content as a Service (CaaS) — from by David Grebow


The etextbook in 2018 will be dramatically different than the etextbook of today. It will be coupled to an app that will provide you with Content as a Service (CaaS). CaaS will include many of the following features (and more that have yet to be imagined):

  • Multimedia
  • Simulations
  • Educational Games
  • Animations
  • Pre- and post-tests
  • Formative and Summative Quizzes
  • Adaptive testing
  • Networked Social Learning
  • Study groups
  • Analytic Datasets
  • Virtual and Flipped classes
  • Communities of Learning and Practice
  • Virtual classes.


Also see:




Transmedia stories and games explained — from by Dr. Christy Dena; with thanks to The Digital Rocking Chair for Scooping this onto Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
Opportunity abounds in the area of ‘transmedia projects’, or stories and games that span more than one medium or artform. Dr Christy Dena explains this evolving area of education. This is Part 1 in her blog series.


One of the areas I work in is ‘transmedia’ or ‘cross-media’ writing and design. I work in the area as a practitioner, and also as an educator for industry professionals and undergraduate students. Transmedia or cross-media fundamentally refers to projects that span more than one medium; for example, a book and computer. I work in creating transmedia stories and games, and so also teach students about making their own. Over my two articles for ABC Splash, I share some of the approaches I use when giving students the opportunity to make their own transmedia stories and games.

Opening the door to transmedia projects — from by Dr. Christy Dena
In her second article on transmedia projects, Dr Christy Dena shares the guidelines she’s created to open the door to this form of education in schools.


It is important that students are given at least two media locations to work with, such as a website and poster. I always include a live event of some kind as well.


From DSC:
The massive convergence of the telephone, the television, and the computer continues.  How that media gets to us is also changing (i.e. the cord cutting continues). 

What types of innovative learning experiences can be crafted as “TV” becomes more interactive, participatory, and engaging? What happens if technologies like WebRTC make their way into our browsers and we can videoconference with each other without having to download anything?

What doors open for for us when Google, Apple, or an delivers your “shows” vs. NBC/ABC/CBS/etc.?

 The items below cause me to reflect on those questions…



Streaming devices lead the way to Smart TV — from by Brian Stelter

Julia Yellow










Is Google ready to buy its way into TV with an NFL deal? — from by Peter Kafka


Here’s a fun combination to ponder: The world’s most powerful media company and America’s most popular sport.

That could happen if Google buys the rights to the NFL’s Sunday Ticket package, the all-you-can-eat subscription-TV service currently owned by DirecTV.



Cord Cliff Coming: What happens to TV when Netflix streams live events? — from by Ben Elowitz, CEO, Wetpaint




 Addendums on 8/22/13:


The tv of tomorrow and the living room of the future

by beutlerink.
Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

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