“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
On 04/12/2023,
in faith, global / globalization, hearts -- matters of the heart, relationships, religion, society,
by Daniel Christian
On 04/11/2023,
in law schools, Legal operations, legal reform, legal technologies, legislatures / government / legal, platforms, podcasting, society, United States, vendors, vision/possibilities,
by Daniel Christian
Fastcase, vLex merger accelerates investment into legal AI — from reuters.com by Sara Merken
Excerpts (emphasis DSC):
(Reuters) – As artificial intelligence pushes deeper into the legal industry, Fastcase and vLex are merging in a deal the legal research companies said [on 4/4/23] will speed up the creation of AI tools for lawyers.
The merger creates a law library that is “the biggest legal data corpus ever assembled,” the companies said. The new company will have more than one billion legal documents from more than 100 countries, including judicial opinions, statutes, regulations, briefs, pleadings and legal news articles, they said.
Also see:
In Major Legal Tech Deal, vLex and Fastcase Merge, Creating A Global Legal Research Company, Backed By Oakley Capital and Bain Capital — from lawnext.com by Bob Ambrogi
In a deal that will reshape the legal research and legal technology landscape on a global basis and threaten the longstanding “Wexis” legal research duopoly, the companies vLex and Fastcase today announced that they have merged into a single entity that they say will have the world’s largest subscriber base of lawyers and law firms and a legal research library of more than 1 billion documents from more than 100 countries.
Speaking about the legal realm and innovations, also see:
On LawNext: 15 Years, 15 Lessons: Clio Founder Jack Newton On What He’s Learned About Building a Successful Company — from lawnext.com by Bob Ambrogi and Jack Newton
As Clio marks its 15th anniversary in 2023, Newton sat down with me to share 15 lessons he has learned along the way regarding what makes a successful company and a successful leader. He also reminisces about the early days of starting Clio and his early successes and challenges. Notably, he and Gauvreau founded Clio in the middle of the Great Recession, and one of the lessons he shares in this episode is his belief that a recession is a great time to build a company.
For anyone who has founded or is thinking of founding a legal tech startup, this episode is a must-listen. Even for those who are not tech founders, but law firm founders, many of Newton’s lessons apply.
On 04/11/2023,
in 21st century, A/V -- audio/visual, art, creativity, digital audio, digital photography, digital storytelling, digital video, Europe, multimedia, new media literacies, online media, platforms, presentations, society, streams of content, transmedia, vendors,
by Daniel Christian
A museum without screens: The Media Museum of Sound and Vision in Hilversum — from inavateonthenet.net
Re-opened to the public last month after five years of planning and two-and-a-half years of renovations, The Media Museum of Sound and Vision in Hilversum in the Netherlands, is an immersive experience exploring modern media. It’s become a museum that continuously adapts to the actions of its visitors in order to reflect the ever-changing face of media culture.
How we consume media is revealed in five zones in the building: Share, Inform, Sell, Tell and Play. The Media Museum includes more than 50 interactives, with hundreds of hours of AV material and objects from history. The experience uses facial recognition and the user’s own smartphone to make it a personalised museum journey for everyone.
Photo from Mike Bink
From DSC:
Wow! There is some serious AV work and creativity in the Media Museum of Sound and Vision!
On 03/31/2023,
in Access to Justice (A2J), Canada, career development, Cost of legal services - including access, legal reform, legislatures / government / legal, society, sociology, United States,
by Daniel Christian
Building a bridge to justice from the other side — from jordanfurlong.substack.com by Jordan Furlong
Our professional-centric approach to resolving unmet legal needs hasn’t worked. Maybe it’s time we empowered the people who are already there.
Given all that, I think it’s time we tried a demand-side approach instead — one that doesn’t require us to licence and deploy more legal services professionals, but instead focuses on and empowers those who are already dealing with people’s unmet and unrecognized legal needs.
So if we’re not looking for legal professionals, who are we looking for? If we take a user-centred, needs-focused approach, we’ll find ourselves looking for someone who’s familiar to and trusted by the vulnerable people with unmet legal needs, who’s walked with them, earned their confidence over time — “someone who looks like them, understands their situation, and are trusted members of their community.”
These individuals are already present in the lives of people with unmet legal needs. They’re community activists, librarians, hospital employees, teachers, social workers, homeless advocates, therapists, food bank employees, members of a religious order, financial counsellors, mental health clinic staffers, juvenile case workers, and many others.
On 03/31/2023,
in faith, global / globalization, hearts -- matters of the heart, relationships, religion, society,
by Daniel Christian
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
On 03/27/2023,
in Daniel S. Christian, faith, global / globalization, hearts -- matters of the heart, relationships, religion, society,
by Daniel Christian
Psalms 36:5-7 NIV — from bible.com
Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, LORD, preserve both people and animals. How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
Luke 5:31-32 — from bible.com
“Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.””
Luke 5:31-32 NIV
From DSC:
LORD, thank you for your grace, patience, and love.
On 03/22/2023,
in 24x7x365 access, A/V -- audio/visual, adult learning, change, communications, communities of practice, content development, aggregation, repositories, digital audio, digital video, experimentation, faith, society, vendors,
by Daniel Christian
Houses of worship to move streaming from social media to dedicated platforms — from inavateonthenet.net
A report by Pushpay, with data from over 1,700 organisations has found that while 91% of churches currently livestream worship services on social media, only 47% plan to do the same in the upcoming year.
The report, entitled ‘State of Church Tech 2023 is available to download here.
The reason cited for this shift is organisations’ lack of control on social media platforms to maintain engagement, as users are bombarded with pop-up windows, notifications, status updates, and more.
This is driving a rise in custom video players, website embeds, mobile app streaming, and other platforms that are better suited to maintain engagement.