Some advice for authors on self-publishing and ebooks — from


New vanity publishing? — from

It’s a pretty good system for everyone involved in the making of a best-seller. Efficiency, ease of promotion, a pre-determined outcome, and everyone gets paid, even though about half of those hardcovers will eventually be composted, too. If you can publish a best-seller, you’d be crazy to publish anything else.

If you are at the bottom end of the mid-list scale, you’d be crazy to give your book license away at current industry standards. Let’s examine the three publisher advantages in light of the modern digital/print-on-demand landscape.

E-Publishers to Watch 2010

NMC's 5 Minutes of FameThis year’s presentations included:

Here are some excellent resources re: eBooks and the iPad — from Johnny Ansari, Calvin College’s Teaching & Learning Digital Studio - great resource re: ebooks and the iPad -- from Johnny Ansari, Calvin College

Create e-books w/ Adobe software

Amit Bhawani dot com -- Import free epub books to ibooks -- app in ipad

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Driving home the point on accessibility —

The U.S. Departments of Education and Justice on Tuesday released an open letter to colleges expressing concern that some institutions might be “using electronic book readers that are not accessible to students who are blind or have low vision” and warning them that the government will crack down on any institutions that are “requiring” disabled students to use emerging technology that does not comply with federal accessibility laws.

Unthethered 2010

E-Readers and Tablets Are Poised to Become Popular Mass-Market Devices, According to New Study by The Boston Consulting Group

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Professors control course content by publishing e-textbooks

Earn more, charge less

He also spends less money publishing them. With his original textbook, he printed 3,000 copies and had to store them, so he didn’t break even for a while. That’s not the case with creating e-textbooks.

“You don’t have to have a bunch of books laying around, you don’t have to have the initial startup costs,” Chamberlain said, “and then you can send that savings on back to the students.”

For the past five years, Florida State College at Jacksonville has been driving down the cost of textbooks for its students through the SIRIUS initiative. SIRIUS brings together between 50 and 75 faculty members to create course material and textbooks for classes they’re qualified to teach, said Chief Operations Officer Jack Chambers. So far, they’ve developed 20 interactive general education courses.

The textbooks cost $60.98 in print, but this fall, they will publish online through CafeScribe at a price of $48 each. Eleven other colleges will use them as well.

Before the courses publish, a team of content specialists, instructional designers, quality assurance staff and multimedia personnel review them, as do expert faculty members outside the college (emphasis DSC).

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