20 sets of free and awesome watercolor textures — from webdesigncore.com
30 Amazing Examples of Camera Toss Photography — from webdesigncore.com
Giant Paper Sculpture Looks Like an Abstract Wheatfield — from fastcodesign.com by by Suzanne LaBarre; sculpture by Japanese architect Ryuji Nakamura
This project explored the idea of sculpting objects with film. Each frame of the ‘moving image’ is separated by space instead of time, resulting in three-dimensional form. These vessels are computationally traced and cut, the form generated in video by changing the profile of my hands. Software was written to convert the bitmap frames into vectors for laser cutting.
Jan Kriwol — from Fubiz.com
Des très belles compositions d’images par le photographe polonais Jan Kriwol, inspiré par le quotidien et les comics. Il travaille pour DDB, Saatchi & Saatchi et BBDO et pour des clients comme Reebook ou Quicksilver. Il est actuellement représenté par 76management.
Light Drive — from fubiz
Une séquence en stop-motion étonnante réalisée par Kim Pimmel pour le FITC San Francisco, utilisant les techniques de light-painting à partir d’un vynil. Des séquences montées sur la bande-son du trailer de Tron Legacy. Les sources de lumières sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.
3-D printing spurs a manufacturing revolution — from the New York Times by Ashlee Vance
Beautiful woodwork art — from Noupe.com by János Rácz
In the age of the Web, with personal computers and tablets, we tend to forget that art has been around for a really, really long time and that this digital field is just one of the many media in which art and design have a form. Fortunately, there are many artists out there who still turn to more traditional methods of creative self-expression.
In this article, we’ve brought to you some of the finest woodwork art pieces. Hopefully, they’ll serve as some inspiration for your professional work, but also as a reminder that it’s always good to get out of your comfort zone and try out something new every once in a while.
Color Stream: A free iPhone app for web designers — from SmashingMagazine.com by Vitaly Friedman