Check out this video! Incredible! — from Front Pictures; a great example of pushing the envelop and refusing to accept that something can’t be done
Multimedia Renaissance by Front Pictures —
Check out this video! Incredible! — from Front Pictures; a great example of pushing the envelop and refusing to accept that something can’t be done
Multimedia Renaissance by Front Pictures —
Opening minds to critical knowledge on play, creativity and learning — from
Cultures of Creativity (foundation research) — from
Cultures develop when people find ways to play, make, and share. This report describes how human cultures can be characterised by their similarities rather than their differences, and emphasises the importance of recognising playfulness and creativity to develop societies prepared to accommodate the rapid changes associated with technology and globalisation.
Cultures of Creativity, nurturing creative mindsets (video) — from
Creativity is one of the most important competencies of the 21st Century. Yet, the puzzling question is how to nurture it? Children are creative from the day they are born and the film describes how to support creativity across cultures. The content is based on the report, Cultures of Creativity, published by the LEGO Foundation, 2013. Authors: David Gauntlett and Bo Stjerne Thomsen and 20 leading international experts on play, learning and
Inviting the world to play –– from
This fall, the Imagination Foundation invites the world to participate in our 3rd Annual Global Cardboard Challenge.
With a shout out to Mitch Resnick for posting
these resources on Twitter. Mitch is going to be talking about
“Sowing the Seeds for a More Creative Society” this Wednesday w/ Adobe.
From Calvin College-based staff and faculty:
Anonymous artists turn school chalk dust into inspirational masterpieces — from by Angeli Rafer
Designer Alexandra Khitrova discovers a new career through her stunning fantasy concept art — from by Christopher Jobson
Rare mushroom photos reveal the visual diversity of fungi — from by Steve Axford, posted by Jenny Zhang
Photographer swims out to sea to capture spectacular storm shot — from by Jem Cresswell
Sixteen-year-old artist wins national art competition with masterful hyper-realistic pencil portrait — from
Film: Time-lapse film of a coral reef = mind blown — from by Maisie Skidmore
They may look like scenes from an animated kids’ film based underwater, but these stills are in fact all taken from PhD student Daniel Stoupin’s mind-blowing time-lapse film, Slow Life. The film combines over 150,000 photographs taken of some of the world’s most stunning coral reefs over excruciatingly long periods of time, allowing us land-based viewers to watch the otherwise imperceptible changes on the the ocean beds, which actually happen incredibly slowly.
Slow Life from Daniel Stoupin on Vimeo.
From DSC:
All’s I could say while I watched this was, “Glory to God! GLORY!”
It’s like the fingerprints of God. The source of creativity. Astounding. Truly amazing.