Ohio calls on Blackboard to create statewide online learning clearinghouse — from The Journal by Dian Schaffhauser

Ohio’s Board of Regents will be working with Blackboard in developing a program to host distance learning courses in the state. Chancellor Eric Fingerhut chose Blackboard’s consulting team to build a new, statewide digital learning clearinghouse that will provide a common platform for online courses. The goal of the program is to use the courses to graduate more students, keep more of them at Ohio colleges and universities and in the state’s workforce, and attract more out of state graduates to pursue additional education and careers in Ohio.

Participating schools can both add and tap into the courses offered in the program. High school students could earn college credit through dual enrollment and Advanced Placement courses or use remediation offerings. College students could attend a wider range of courses and other options for earning credits and completing degrees more quickly. The resources are also expected to help adult learners who want to pursue training to advance or change their careers and prepare for certifications.

Non-traditional students: Understanding adult learners’ needs — from Faculty Focus by Mary Bart

Students dropout of college for a variety of reasons – some are not ready for the academic rigors, while others leave to raise a family, get a job, or join the military. Many of these students are now in their 30s, 40s and 50s. They’re more mature, and they’re ready to come back and finish what they started. Is your school truly committed to do what it takes to attract and support these students through degree completion?

The adult degree completion market offers a growing and potentially lucrative opportunity for higher education institutions nationally. According to Dr. Bruce Chaloux, president of the Sloan Consortium, there are more than 50 million working age adults with some college credit but no degree, or who have a high school diploma but never entered college.

During the recent online video seminar Effective Strategies for the Adult Degree Completion Market, Chaloux pointed out that many of these adults would like to get their college degrees, but only if they’re given practical “adult friendly” alternatives to traditional, campus-based programs.

The eight key factors that influence an adult learner’s decision to attend college are:

* Convenient time and place for classes
* Flexible pacing for completing the program
* Ability to transfer credits
* Reputation of institution as being adult friendly
* Need the degree for current or future job
* Receive credit for life/work experiences
* Financial aid or employer assistance
* Child care

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Whole brain thinking: Ignore it at your peril — my thanks to Stacy Meyn for this resource

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