Colleges keep closing. Are regulators doing enough to warn students? — from by Zachary Schermele
The Biden administration has aggressively tackled college oversight. But universities are still closing without warning, leaving students and faculty in the lurch.

That task is challenging, regardless of who’s in the White House because the federal government’s metrics for identifying at-risk private colleges have long been flawed. The most recent flutter of high-profile closures underscores how necessary federal intervention may be to protect the lives of students and faculty from getting derailed in the coming years. Tragic stories from students like Hebert are bringing new urgency to efforts to improve the government’s warning signs that a campus is flailing.

“It’s hard to see a world where colleges stop closing,” said Robert Kelchen, a higher education professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and a renowned policy expert. “So the challenge becomes: When do people know that their college is at risk?”

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