Texas Rolls Out an ‘Affordable Baccalaureate’ Degree — from chronicle.com by Lawrence Biemiller
Two years after Gov. Rick Perry of Texas called on the state’s colleges to offer bachelor’s degrees that would cost students no more than $10,000 each, two institutions rolled out a joint bachelor-of-applied-science program last month that they say can be completed in three years for not much more than the governor’s target amount.
QuickWire: For-Profit University Will Accept MOOC Credits — from chronicle.com
Bridgepoint Education’s Ashford University, which offers courses both online and on a campus in Clinton, Iowa, said on Friday that it would allow students to earn credits toward degrees by taking “selected” massive open online courses offered through two of the three big online-course providers, Coursera and Udacity.
Administrator Hiring Drove 28% Boom in Higher-Ed Work Force, Report Says — from chronicle.com by Scott Carlson
Thirty-four pages of research, branded with a staid title and rife with complicated graphs, might not seem like a scintillating read, but there’s no doubt that a report released on Wednesday will punch higher education’s hot buttons in a big way.
The report, “Labor Intensive or Labor Expensive: Changing Staffing and Compensation Patterns in Higher Education,” says that new administrative positions—particularly in student services—drove a 28-percent expansion of the higher-ed work force from 2000 to 2012. The report was released by the Delta Cost Project, a nonprofit, nonpartisan social-science organization whose researchers analyze college finances.
Somewhat-related postings:
- How will education race the machines? — from bryanalexander.org by Bryan Alexander
What will the increasing automation of jobs mean for education?
- Putting machine testing to the test | Next-gen educ standards meet next-gen scoring methods, but with controversy. — from wfs.org by Randall Mayes