Continued Dedication to Workplace Learning — from by Laleh Patel
Investment in learning and development remained steady through one of the most challenging business years in more than a decade.
Despite the uncertain economic conditions that recently plagued both the private and public sectors, the 2010 State of the Industry Report demonstrates a continued dedication to workplace learning and development in a variety of organizations worldwide. Although organizations made many changes in the past year to adapt to the economic environment, they continued their financial commitment to learning and development for their employees at levels nearly equal to or greater than those in past years.
This annual compendium provides data covering the strategic and operational activities against which organizations can benchmark their learning investments and practices. For 14 years, the State of the Industry Report has provided insightful, actionable information for learning executives and business leaders to use when making decisions about how to leverage and build their talent. The data in the current edition includes responses from users of the WLP Scorecard, ASTD Forum organizations, and the 2010 ASTD BEST Award winners.