16 resources about Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) — from Shelly Terrell
Research about PLNs
Below are 16 resources I have collected about the history of PLNs, how to build a PLN, and the tools needed to build a PLN. Please scroll down and take a look at these resources and see if they can be an addition to a future presentation.
We Connect Wiki– This wiki is full of videos, Wallwishers, Wikipedia articles, and more that help educators find the resources to build a PLN. You will find all the materials listed in this post there as well as at least 50 other links to video tutorials, step-by-step guides, lists of people to follow, and more to help any educator new or old to this concept build a PLN.
Wikipedia article about PLNs– This article explains the history and theory behind PLNs. Do you know where the term developed, the theory behind PLNs, who are the forerunners of the PLN movement?
Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age by George Siemens– Siemens is noted as one of the forerunners behind the PLN movement. In this article, Siemens discusses the theory behind PLNs. This is one of the most important articles behind the PLN movement.
Origins of the Term ‘Personal Learning Network’ by Stephen Downes– Downes is another forerunner of the PLN movement and connectivism. In this post, he delineates the origins of the term.
The Art & Technique of Personal Learning Networks by David Warlick– Warlick defines PLN in easily understood terms, explains how the process works, and provides several articles for more information.
PLN posts on Teacher Reboot Camp– Read several of my posts about PLNs and the type of learning they provide. You will also find posts like, PLNs, Where Do We Begin?, to help you relate the concept to educators who have never experienced this before.