Does ‘Flipped Learning’ Work? A New Analysis Dives Into the Research — from by Jeffrey R. Young


The researchers do think that flipped learning has merit — if it is done carefully. They end their paper by presenting a model of flipped learning they refer to as “fail, flip, fix and feed,” which they say applies the most effective aspects they learned from their analysis. Basically they argue that students should be challenged with a problem even if they can’t properly solve it because they haven’t learned the material yet, and then the failure to solve it will motivate them to watch the lecture looking for the necessary information. Then classroom time can be used to fix student misconceptions, with a mix of a short lecture and student activities. Finally, instructors assess the student work and give feedback.

From DSC:
Interesting. I think their “fail, flip, fix and feed” method makes sense.

Also, I do think there’s merit in presenting information ahead of time so that students can *control the pace* of listening/processing/absorbing what’s being relayed. (This is especially helpful for native language differences.) If flipped learning would have been a part of my college experience, it would have freed me from just being a scribe. I could have tried to actually process the information while in class.