Faint Messages from the Future (or, Creativity Works) — from The Rapid Blog by Kevin Budelmann

Some excerpts re: creativity:

  • The success or failure of organizations of all kinds — including West Michigan as a whole — depends on their ability to adapt and solve problems creatively. Misunderstanding how creativity works is a missed opportunity, and likely risks the health of an organization by giving up its competitive edge.
  • Creative processes require a willing suspension of certainty, and uncertainty makes people nervous.
  • Artists or designers don’t hold the patent on creativity.
  • We all have creative impulses, talents and contributions to make.
  • Creativity is work — 99% perspiration, as they say. It’s not only about being open to new thinking, but also about being critical about what works and a willingness to change. Change is scary, which prompts people to stick with the status quo.
  • Simmer. Check for doneness. Let cool.