Surviving the future is an unsettling glimpse into the human psyche right now, as our culture staggers between a fervent belief in futuristic utopian technologies on the one hand, and dreams of apocalyptic planetary payback on the other. Thought provoking and visually stunning, Surviving the Future looks at the stark and extreme choices facing our species as we prepare ourselves for the most challenging and consequential period in our history.”

— from http://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/doczone/2010/survivingthefuture/


As seen as CBC-TV on Thursday Oct-21-2010

Surviving the Future -- as seen on CBS on 10/21/10


Surviving the future


— originally from http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com/2010/11/surviving-future.html

From DSC:
Although I don’t agree with many things in this piece, it’s important to reflect upon some of the sometimes exciting and sometimes disturbing things in this piece. Looking at some of the enormous challenges and potential directions ahead of us this century, it’s all the more important that our hearts are hearts of flesh, not hearts of stone!