6 tips for homeschooling in fall 2020 — from forbes.com by Kerry McDonald


As schools and districts across the country finalize back-to-school plans amidst the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, some parents are instead choosing independent homeschooling. My inbox has been filling lately with messages from parents who may never before have considered homeschooling but are worried about their children’s potential exposure to the virus at school. Others are turned off by social distancing requirements being implemented by many schools, such as wearing masks all day and limiting interactions with peers.

Fortunately, research shows low infection rates for children, who seem to avoid the virus’s worst outcomes. New findings out of Germany, where schools have been reopened for several weeks, also suggest low infection rates for young people. Despite these encouraging signs, more parents are looking for schooling alternatives. As The New York Times reported this week, “a growing number of families are thinking about home schooling this fall.”

Here are 6 tips for parents considering homeschooling for this academic year…