Salvaging VHS tapes — from NspiredD2 by Chris Clark
From DSC:
Thanks Chris for this posting. Another piece of hardware that’s often used here is the ADVC 110 (that is, we hook this unit up to both a VHS player as well as to a Mac).
Salvaging VHS tapes — from NspiredD2 by Chris Clark
From DSC:
Thanks Chris for this posting. Another piece of hardware that’s often used here is the ADVC 110 (that is, we hook this unit up to both a VHS player as well as to a Mac).
MUSIC PAINTING – Glocal Sound – Matteo Negrin — from Technology in Art Education blog
From DSC:
Perhaps you can enlist some talented students to create something like this, including:
Semantic technologies and learning — from Steve Wheeler
The January special issue of Interactive Learning Environments is out right now. Our guest editors have done a great job drawing together 5 excellent papers under the banner of ‘Semantic Technologies for Multimedia Enhanced Learning Environments’ and for Learning with ‘e’s readers, here is the editorial in full, with excellent summaries of all the papers by our special issue editors Marco Bertini, Vladan Devedzic, Dragan Gasevic and Carlo Torniai…
This special issue solicited papers focused on the use of semantic technologies in multimedia-enhanced learning environments. In this call, we were especially interested in publishing research reports and lessons learned in the following research tasks:
- Ontologies and semantic annotations for multimedia learning objects.
- Collaborative tagging and folksonomies for multimedia learning objects.
- Semantic social networking in multimedia-based learning environments.
- Semantic technologies for enabling pedagogical theories in multimedia-enhanced learning environments.
- Semantic-enhanced learning designs in multimedia-enhanced learning.
- Semantic technologies for personalization and adaptation of multimedia-enhanced learning.
- Semantic-rich service-oriented architectures for multimedia learning environments.
- Semantic multimedia content for (collaborative) mobile learning.
An overview of HTML5 — from Integrated Learning Services
Also see:
Originally saw this item at
Voki is a free web tool that let’s students create personalized speaking avatars that can be used in a variety of online formats (blogs, email, direct link, social network profiles, etc.). Now, Voki has released an exclusive education edition of their service. Voki Education has some additional features that make it even more useful for the classroom. Sharing is now easier than ever. Students and teachers can embed their finished Voki in webpages, email, and social network profiling, they can also share using a “Voki link” which will allow students to share a simple URL to a Voki page. Students no longer need access to a website or blog to share their Voki scene! Voki also provides custom links for educational partners like SymbalooEdu, very handy. A new lesson plan database provides teachers with a searchable database of lesson plans that utilize Voki for learning. Teachers are encouraged to share their Voki enhanced lesson plans. In the new Teacher’s Corner, teachers and “expert” users can discuss anything related to Voki. There is even a Newbies corner with a series of discussions in Q&A format. Voki is now ad-free, this makes it an even sweeter deal for the classroom!
Audio Feedback – A How-To Guide — from JISC Digital Media
From DSC:
This item includes instructions on how to insert digital audio-based feedback into a Microsoft Word document.
Addendum, also see:
Audio Feedback for Students — from Nancy Rubin at Learning Objects
Asynchronous Audio Feedback to Enhance Teaching Presence and Students’ Sense of Community — from Sloan Consortium